Omega-3 Good for Skin Dryness and nutrient for dry eyes and body. For instance, the eyes that use the computer for a long time are helpful to people who have dry eyes. Also, Omega-3 reduces inflammation of the joints and good for your skin also helps your joints.
And Foods good for omega-3 are mackerel, salmon, cod liver oil, herring, oysters, sardnies, anchovies, cavior, flax sedds, chia seeds, walnuts, soyybeans etc.
1. Skin Effects of Omega-3
This is a nutritional supplement that moisturizes your skin and helps you build healthy skin. If we are older, we don’t feel that our skin is moist with just moisturizing cream (best cosmetics for dry skin).
The important thing is oil and water balance for skin. Eating omega-3s, a good oil ingredient when drinking a lot of water, is also helpful. And this helps reduce inflammation of the skin. So it makes your skin healthy. However, there are side effects of taking too much, so it is recommended that you take an appropriate amount.
2. What nutritional supplements are good to eat with omega -3?
To sum up, Omega-3 and Hyaluronic acid is best effect for dry skin. The combination of gamma linolenic acid and Omega-3 has an excellent effect of reducing inflammation. Eating enough omega-3 is good for skin dryness. Omega-3 moisturize Dryness by eating hyaluronic acid and protein powder together.
Eating only hyaluronic acid and protein powder at the top reduces absorption. Therefore, eating hyaluronic acid and protein powder with omega-3s helps moisturize the skin.
3. Omega-3 safety precautions
When taking omega-3 health-functioning foods, be careful not to take patients with blood clotting problems or medications such as aspirin and warfarin. Omega-3 has the properties of reducing blood clotting.
Healthy people can take it, but if you have a history of cerebral hemorrhage, or if you have a bleeding history, or if you take aspirin or warfarin, you’d better consult with a specialist about whether you can take it because omega-3 because it may increase your risk of bleeding.