Leather boots need careful maintenance because they are poorly ventilated and are weak against moisture. Therefore, if you take care of the leather boots, you can wear them for a long time without scratches, discoloration or deformation.
Today, I will introduce easy various ways to care for leather boots in home.
1. Prevent odor
2. How to dry without changing color & shape
3. How to store leather boots
1. Prevent odor

After wearing leather boots and suede boots, put newspaper or dry paper inside the shoes to absorb sweat and prevent odor. In addition, if you put dry green tea bags inside the boots, there is a deodorizing effect.
2. How to dry without changing color & shape

Leather boots are weak against moisture, so if they get wet in rain or water, wipe them with a dry cloth and dry them in a well-ventilated shade.
And if you want to finish drying quickly, I recommended using the DryGuy Boot Dryer no-heat switch. The most important thing is, leather products should not be dried in hot wind. If leather boots are dried with hot air from a dryer, the shape of the shoes may be deformed.
3. How to store leather boots
When storing leather boots on the floor

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The most worrying part of care for leather boots is to keep them without changing their shape. Leather boots may not change their shape if stored using a boot keeper. However, If you do not have a boot keeper, you can keep the shape of the boots without changing the shape of the boots by putting dry paper such as newspaper inside.

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And for thigh high boots, I use a boot keeper and a clip to keep them in shape. If you use both, there are no scratches on the leather and no shape change when storing leather boots.
When storing leather boots hanging

Boot Butler Boot Storage 5-Pair Hanger Organizer & Shaper
If you have a lot of leather boots and the storage space is small, you can store them on foot. Boot Butler Boot Storage has the advantage of being able to keep the boots scratch-free and does not take up much space.
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