Laura Mercier Guava is a peach satin eye shadow. It’s a good color to use every day. And it’s a color that goes well with all skin tones. If you have a white skin tone, you can look pure and sophisticated after applying it, and if your skin tone is dark, the nude peach pearls brighten your eyes.
Laura Mercier Guava is my favorite eye shadow because it looks lively when applied under the eyes.
How to use

When you apply Laura Mercier Guava under your eyes, place it on your finger and use it under your eyes to use the color shown in the picture above. This is because the color turns pale when used as a brush.
And if you apply guava under your eyes, the face looks lively. In detail, peach colors make your eyes look bright with dark circles, so they come out a lot as eye concealers.
In the case of swollen eyes or protruding eyes, the eyes look swollen if you use this product alone. So, I recommend Laura Mercier fresco.

If you use it on ordinary eye-shaped eyelids, you can make your eyes look pure and stylish. And you want a distinct color, use an eye brush to stack the eyelids with Eyeshadow primer (Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion, Original).
Recommended product

Laura Mercier
Size: 2.8g/0.1oz

Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion, Original
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