Best makeup for bangs and thick eyebrows

Best makeup for bangs and thick eyebrows
photo by british vouge

What should I do with the best makeup when I have bangs and thick eyebrows? Makeup can be helpful because you want a natural and sophisticated look after bang hair. It is most important to resolve the biggest reason why it seems awkward.

There are two main cases, first, If you want fancy makeup, there is a way to reduce the thickness of your thick eyebrows and draw long the tail of the eyebrows. This is the best makeup for bangs and thick eyebrows.

Second, If your hair color is light, it looks more natural to dye eyebrows according to your hair color.

Bangs and thick eyebrows makeup


To sum up, In this case, reduce the thickness of the brows and draw long the tail of the eyebrows, makeup will look best.

If you look at the first picture above and the second picture, the second picture looks more natural and sophisticated. Because the eyebrows are trimmed, the thickness is reduced, and the ends of the eyebrows are drawn longer.

Also, long hair and thick eyebrows have an elegant and an innocent charm. However, too thick eyebrows have a masculine and charismatic image like Men’s eyebrow. In other words, makeup looks awkward to feel like a man makeup. For example, fluorescent color or too strong shades may look awkward because they do not match well. In addition, mixing with feminine and lovely shades can also make to look awkward.

If you have bangs down to eyebrows, may look cute with dark eyebrows covered. In detail, this can also be an easy way for people who have difficulty trimming eyebrows. And thick eyebrows has good effect. You can also put on hair and makeup with your strengths.

Reference Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

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